Mix it up. Many getfit teams in past challenges have included a mixture of serious exercisers and beginners. Experienced exercisers in these groups have told us they enjoyed taking leadership roles, and beginners appreciated the encouragement and advice from their more experienced teammates. And remember: it’s all about the team average. One or two very active people on a “mixed team” can easily make up for several team members who can’t quite meet the exercise goals every week. In the race for the Grand Prize, there’s no advantage in having your team’s average exceed the weekly goals.
Familiar faces make good teammates. If your teammates see each other every day as a matter of course, it can make a big difference in morale and help you keep going when the going gets tough.
Don’t forget the folks at home. Remember that getfit is open to all members of the Institute community, including spouses, partners, and children aged 16 and up. Participating as a family in the fitness challenge can help all of you become more healthy and active, and you’ll be surprised at the great new weekend activities you’ll discover in each week’s quest for more exercise minutes.
Make new friends. The annual fitness challenge can give you the chance to expand your circle of friends. You can use the Find a Team or Teammate forum to find a team to join or find another teammate or two to round out your squad.
Ready to put your team together?
If you like to start out organizing with paper, download a team sign-up sheet (PDF).